• Fast Free Shipping!

    Partnered with some of the fastest Shipping Carriers out there, expect your product to arrive within 3-8 business days!

  • On Site Tracking!

    We provide Fast, and on Site Tracking, to give you a smoother and hassle free experience

  • Highly Rated!

    With Hundreds of Happy customers and highly rated reviews, we guarantee to provide you a smooth and great experience on our site


Do all giftboxes come with a necklace?

Yes, all of our gift boxes come with a pre-installed necklace that can be easily swapped out for another if that's what you desire.

Can you guys interchange the Necklaces for us?

Unfortunately, we currently don't provide any custom orders, nor necklace swapping at this moment.

Do you ship internationally?

We currently don't offer international shipping, as shipping rates may vary and are too unpredictable

Do I have to pay for return shipping?

No, we take care of all return fees for all of our products, giving you a hassle free and straightforward experience